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August 10, 2021

Pastor Tommy McMurtry of Liberty Baptist Church (Rock Falls, Illinois) posts a YouTube video titled "Tommy McMurtry Exposed" taking after Pastor Steven Anderson's "exposed" series. In this video, he talks about his relationship with Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church, Vancouver, Washington, and how Aaron can never make peace with him and continues to rail on him.

July 21, 2021

Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento, California) preaches against Leslye Romero's statement against the New IFB:
He says:
1) Seth Bookout is a fat obnoxious idiot, flat earther, who got thrown out of Stedfast Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. He says you don't need to talk to him that long to realize he's a complete imbecile.
2) Leslye Romero is double-tongued by saying now that Pastor Anderson wanted her to delete their mutual text messages to cover up his acts whne previously they agreed to delete them because Leslye claimed to be in danger for her life.
3) Leslye Romero is double-tongued by saying that Pastor didn't bring up Donnie's sins during the Wednesday night church service when they agreed not to talk about it beforehand so she and her children didn't have to hear about their husband's/dad's behavior.
4) Leslye and Donnie agreed to move to Hammond, Indiana and attend First Baptist Church of Hammond to work on their marriage.

June 29, 2021

Kathryn Foster (nickname Katie) and her husband attended Faithful Word Baptist Church for years until they were excommunicated July 2020 due to their involvement in the texting scandal. Her son, Flip, posted a video on his YouTube channel where he makes racist statements. The video is found at Flip was also involved in the FWBC texting scandal sending raunchy text messages.
Leslye Romero, wife of Pastor Donnie Romero, was granted divorce from Donnie. She has now started her renegade against the New IFB.

June 1, 2021

Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Stedfast Baptist Church posted a video titled "When Pastors and their Wives SLANDER they should get called out" where he talks about pastor Grayson Fritts saying bad things about the New IFB and Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Anderson. He also shows a Facebook status update written by Pastor Jason Robinson's wife, Holly Robinson, where she talks about all the craziness. The video can be found at:
Pastor Jason Robinson posted the following on Facebook as a result of his wife being attacked by the New IFB for stating her opinion:
After recent events, I feel like I need to clear the air. My wife's recent post was against people that were making nasty comments and in some causes false statements about people. This was going on both in the NIFB group but also on individual posts. I agree with my wife's comments and also can't stand when people are biting and devouring each other online in this manner. There was a fight going on between other pastors and I'm not a part of that. My wife posted a quote of a comment that was at the time seeming to not show up. I'm not going to die on a hill defending comments and sermons unless they are my own. I've spoken with both Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez on the phone and we are all cool and are still friends. I'm not against Pastor Thompson and this is an issue that needs to be settled between the parties involved.
It is reported that pastor Mike Bassinas of Lookout Mountain Baptist Church of Phoenix, Arizona slanders Pastor Steven Anderson. Start at 1:06:30 of the following video:

May 31, 2021

Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Stedfast Baptist Church posted a video titled "When Pastors and their Wives SLANDER they should get called out" where he talks about pastor Grayson Fritts saying bad things about the New IFB and Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Anderson. Shelley plays many clips of Pastor Aaron Thompson's sermon (found here: He also shows a Facebook status update written by Pastor Jason Robinson's wife, Holly Robinson, where she talks about all the craziness. The video can be found at:
Pastor Jason Robinson posted the following on Facebook as a result of his wife being attacked by the New IFB for stating her opinion:
"After recent events, I feel like I need to clear the air. My wife's recent post was against people that were making nasty comments and in some causes false statements about people. This was going on both in the NIFB group but also on individual posts. I agree with my wife's comments and also can't stand when people are biting and devouring each other online in this manner. There was a fight going on between other pastors and I'm not a part of that. My wife posted a quote of a comment that was at the time seeming to not show up. I'm not going to die on a hill defending comments and sermons unless they are my own. I've spoken with both Pastor Thompson and Pastor Jimenez on the phone and we are all cool and are still friends. I'm not against Pastor Thompson and this is an issue that needs to be settled between the parties involved."

May 30, 2021

Pastor Roger Jimenez preaches a sermon at Verity Baptist Church titled "Sometimes Christians Fight (When Pastors Fight Publicly)" where he talks about how Pastor Tommy McMurtry and Pastor Grayson Fritts have been passive aggressively negatively targeting the New IFB. His sermon can be found at:
Other names he mentions: Matt Powell, Patrick Boyle, Joe Major,

May 27, 2021

Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church (Vancouver, Washington, USA) preaches a sermon titled Why we are Independent Baptists where he calls out Pastor Grayson Fritts:

April 12, 2021

It is reported that Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church has lost his Hawaii church plant.
It is also reported that Pastor Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church has overtaken Bible Believers Baptist Church of Yakima, Washington, following a fallout with unqualified, interim "pastor" Richard Messler following his arrest of domestic battery of his wife.